IAIC Via dei Tre Orologi, 14/a 00197 Roma C.F. 97811820584 {chronoforms5}CONTACTS{/chronoforms5}
Founding Members
President : Alberto Gambino Professor of Civil Law at the European University of Rome where he directs the Department of Human Sciences. National Coordinator of the Research Project of National Interest ( PRIN ) entitled ” The legal regulation of the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) as a tool for strengthening inclusive, innovative and secure societies’ , which is selected and funded by the Ministry of Education for the period 2013-2015 , in cooperation with the Universities of Bologna , Rome Tor Vergata , Naples Federico II , Naples 2, Salerno and Sannio. Former chairman of the Standing Advisory Committee for the Copyright (2007-2010) and member of the Permanent Commission for the Accessibility of Culture at the Ministry of Heritage and Culture (2006-2008) , he is currently one of the five jurists appointed by the Authority for the Communications in the Committee for the development and protection of legal offers for digital works. He is also member of the Steering, Referee and Scientific Committees of the following journals and collections: European Legal Studies, Giappichelli Publisher ; Legal Culture and Civilians Reports, ESI Publisher ; Civil Justice, Giuffrè; Journal of Industrial Law , Giuffrè ; Medialaws , Online Edition; Observatory of Civil and Commercial law , Il Mulino Publisher ; Communications, Media and New technologies – Federalismi.it ; Journal of Sports Law , Coni Publisher .
Giusella Finocchiaro Professor of Internet Law and Private Law at the University of Bologna and founder of the Law Firm Finocchiaro . Former member of the National Commission on Copyright and New Technologies, and of the Permanent Consultative Committee on Copyright constituted by the Ministry of Heritage and Culture . Currently a member of the international group of experts for the project ” Accountability -Based Privacy Governance” of the Centre for Information Policy Leadership in cooperation with the European Data Protection Commissioners .
Salvatore Sica Professor of Comparative Private Law at the University of Salerno. He is a member of the Superior Council of Communications and of the Scientific Committee of the Bar School . Former member of the Scientific Committee of the Magistrates’ Governing Council and of the Agency for the Third Sector. He is member of the Scientific Committee of the Journals: “The Right of Information and Information Technology ” , “Journal of Law and Economics of Sport “, ” Comparison and Civil Law ” and “Comparative Law Review .” He is also a member of the Board of the Italian Association of Comparative Law .
Valeria Falce Professor of Economic Law at the European University of Rome , former Independent Expert of the Permanent Consultative Committee for the Copyright, Member of the restricted Committee for the reform of Copyright and Member of the Commission for the revision of remuneration of the ” private copy ” . Co -director of the Research Center of Excellence for Copyright Law ( CREDA ) , member of the ” International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property ” ( IAPIP ) , of the “International Association for the Teaching and Research in Intellectual Property” ( IATRIP ) and of the ” Academic Society for Competition Law” ( Ascola ) .
Oreste Pollicino Professor of Comparative Law and Law of Media at the Bocconi University of Milan. Author of a series of publications and speeches at international conferences in the field of European Constitutional Law and Law of the Internet . He is the director of the series “Law and Policy of the New Media ” Arachne Publisher.
Giorgio Resta Professor of Comparative Private Law at the University of the Studies of Bari “Aldo Moro ” . He collaborates , as an active participant in the project “Common Core of the European Private Law” ( in the groups on Personality Rights and Information Property) . He is co-director of the collection ” Interferences . Law and Humanistic Culture ” , Editoriale Scientifica , Naples. Member of the Committee of Referees of “The right of Information and Information Technology ” and of the Scientific Committee of the Journal ” Biolaw ” , of the European Law Institute, of the Italian Association of Comparative Law and of the Association of Italian law and Literature. Member of the Board of Directors of the Foundation Center of Legal Initiative “Piero Calamandrei ” , he is currently Legal Advisor of the Legislative Office of the Ministry of Justice ( he co-ordinates the Technical Committee for the reform of the Law of collateral securities) . In addition to the Founding Members: the Scientific Committee of the Journal “Market, Law and Technology”, a Steering Committee and two groups of Fellows .