IAIC Via dei Tre Orologi, 14/a 00197 Roma C.F. 97811820584 {chronoforms5}CONTACTS{/chronoforms5}
Italian Academy of the Internet Code
A non-profit scientific association promoting studies and international debates where academics, institutions and representatives of the civil society contribute to the legal analysis of the market of communications and digital technologies , within the framework of the complex world of the Internet, in order to establish balanced regulatory arrangements respectful of the rights of the users.
The Academy promotes scientific studies for both academic and educational purposes, it organizes meetings, seminars, training courses, conferences, lectures, panel discussions and it participates in institutional initiatives and working groups. The Academy is one of the scientific institutions of the Italian Ministry of Education (database Cineca) and it is a promoter of the scientific journal ” Law Technology Market “. In the last months, the President and other fellows of the Italian Academy of the Internet Code took part to a series of auditions in both the Italian Chamber of Deputies and Senate in order to express their views and observations about several issues: from the system of the audio media services to the proposal of costitutionalization of the right to Internet access.
The Academy organized a number of lunch seminars (with a restricted access, only by invitation, for stakeholders, decision-makers, regulators, academics) on different topics: ancillary copyright, App economy, trading of audio media rights football, TV format and new platforms of entertainment, mobile economy, and many others. Recently, the Academy is promoting in partnership with Google, Altroconsumo and Postal Police, the Privacy Roadshow in five Italian cities (Rome, Milan, Cagliari, Naples, Bologna) bringing together students, academics and institutions to discuss the implications related to privacy in the use of Internet.