ASCOLA Conference “Abuse Regulation in Competition Law. Past, Present and Future ”, the slides of Prof. Falce 26 May 2015 Leggi di più→
Constitutionalization of the right to access the Internet, the Academy in the Senate hearing: “First fundamental step” 11 May 2015 Leggi di più→
“Search neutrality and consumer welfare”, the abstract of Prof. Valeria Falce’s speech at the Agcm conference 4 May 2015 Leggi di più→
“Single window” and efficiency of the supervisory action: towards the privacy regulation 17 April 2015 Leggi di più→
“Questions of copyright”, the presentation of Prof. Valeria Falce at the conference “Intellectual property and antitrust: conflict or synergy?” 8 April 2015 Leggi di più→
“Patents and standards”, the slides of Prof. Valeria Falce and Avv. Elena Maggio 8 April 2015 Leggi di più→
The referral to the Court of the question of constitutional legitimacy in the matter of copyright on electronic communication networks 8 April 2015 Leggi di più→