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  • Prof. Guido Alpa, Full Professor of Private Law at the University of Rome “La Sapienza”
  • Prof. Giuseppe Bianchi, Full Professor of Telecommunications at the University of Rome “Tor Vergata”
  • Prof. Maurizio Dècina, Emeritus of Telecommunications Engineering at the Polytechnic University of Milan
  • Prof. Vincenzo Di Cataldo, Full Professor of Commercial Law at the University of Catania
  • Prof. Filippo Donati, Full Professor of Constitutional Law at the University of Florence
  • Prof. Luciano Floridi, Full Professor of Philosophy and Ethics of Information at the University of Oxford
  • Prof. Giorgio Floridia, Full Professor of Commercial Law at the “Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore”
  • Prof. Carlo Focarelli, Full Professor of International Law at the University of Perugia
  • Prof. Gianpiero Gamaleri, Full Professor of Sociology of Cultural and Communicative Processes at the University of Roma Tre
  • Prof. Gustavo Ghidini, Full Professor of Commercial Law at the University of Milan
  • Prof. Andrea Guaccero, Full Professor of Comparative Private Law at the University of Roma Tre
  • Prof. Reto Hilty, Full Professor of Technology and Information Law at the University of Zurich and Honorary at the University of Milan
  • Prof. Claudio Leporelli, Full Professor of Engineering Management at the University of Rome “La Sapienza”
  • Prof. Mario Libertini, Full Professor of Commercial Law at the University of Rome “La Sapienza”
  • Prof. Francesco Macario, Full Professor of Comparative Private Law at the University of “Roma Tre”
  • Prof. Fiona MacMillan, Full Professor of Intellectual Property at the School of Law di Birkbeck, University of Londra
  • Prof. Roberto Mastroianni, Full Professor of European Union Law at the University of Naples “Federico II”
  • Prof. Giorgio Meo, Full Professor of Commercial Law at the Online University “Universitas Mercatorum”
  • Prof. Cesare Mirabelli, Full Professor of Canon Law and Ecclesiastic Law at the University of Rome “Tor Vergata”
  • Prof. Enrico Moscati, Full Professor of Private Law at the University of “Roma Tre”
  • Prof. Alberto Musso, Full Professor of Commercial Law at the University of Bologna “Alma Mater Studiorum”
  • Prof. Luca Nivarra, Full Professor of Private Law at the University of Palermo
  • Prof. Gustavo Olivieri, Full Professor of Business Law at the “LUISS Guido Carli”
  • Prof. Cristoforo Osti, Full Professor of Comparative Private Law at the University of Salento
  • Prof. Roberto Pardolesi, Full Professor of Comparative Private Law at the “LUISS Guido Carli”
  • Prof. Antonio Sassano, Full Professor of Informatics at the University of Rome “La Sapienza”
  • Prof. Giuliana Scognamiglio, Full Professor of Commercial Law at the University of Rome “La Sapienza”
  • Prof. Giuseppe Sena, Emeritus Professor of Industrial Law at the University of Milan
  • Prof. Daniela Valentino, Full Professor of Private Law at the University of Salerno
  • Prof. Giorgio Ventre, Full Professor of Systems of information processing at the University of Naples “Federico II”
  • Prof. Vincenzo Zeno-Zencovich, Full Professor of Comparative Private Law at the University of “Roma Tre”
  • Prof. Andrea Zoppini, Full Professor of Private Law at the University of “Roma Tre”
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