ASCOLA Conference “Abuse Regulation in Competition Law. Past, Present and Future ”, the slides of Prof. Falce 26 May 2015 Leggi di più→
Public at the time of the network, “The Freedom” presentation video of the speeches 20 May 2015 Leggi di più→
“Consumer rights and well-being in the digital ecosystem”: videos of the conference at AGCM 18 May 2015 Leggi di più→
Constitutionalization of the right to access the Internet, the Academy in the Senate hearing: “First fundamental step” 11 May 2015 Leggi di più→
“Search neutrality and consumer welfare”, the abstract of Prof. Valeria Falce’s speech at the Agcm conference 4 May 2015 Leggi di più→
The Digital Identity. Open Issues on Electronic Commerce – Bologna, 10 June 2015 1 May 2015 Leggi di più→